Arlington Assassins

Logo & Identity

Arlington Assassins is a conceptual team that plays the game “Hostages”. The team thrives on competitive and exciting energy, and its logo reflects the unity of the team and the trust and honesty that “Hostages” requires. The sub-logo reflects the quick and fast nature of the game. The team is represented by four colors: mikado yellow, orange fire, black, and white. The bright yellow and orange help express the thrill of playing “Hostages”. Additionally, the yellow is reminiscent of the team’s memories at Upper Arlington High School and the orange is representative of new beginnings for the players. The blocky, ridged font paired with the lighter sans serif provides both balance and contrast.


vacatastic type study and color study with blue sky background and palm trees

Primary Logo

vacatastic type study and color study with blue sky background and palm trees


vacatastic type study and color study with blue sky background and palm trees


vacatastic type study and color study with blue sky background and palm trees

Brand Identity System

Identity Guidelines

